Just like replacing your furnace filter, air duct cleaning should be a part of your routine maintenance for any home containing a central air conditioning system, and there is no better time to have the ductwork cleaned than the later part of the fall season.

The air in your home could have pollutants because windows are often kept open at night to avoid running your cooling system. Increased foot traffic in and out of the home carrying with it air contaminants is also a reason. More time being spent outside means more time for you to accumulate contaminants that can find their way back inside your home and in your air duct system can lead to a decrease in air quality.

The fall is the best time to hire an HVAC contractor for air duct cleaning for a variety of reasons. The fall is typically a slow time for heating & cooling companies, which allow them to schedule dates much faster and usually offer seasonal discounted rates. With winter right around the corner, it is important to make sure any potential pollutants are removed so you and your family are not stuck breathing in dirty recycled air. This can often lead to health problems heading into the months where children and adults are much more susceptible to illnesses.

Many air duct cleaning also offer routine maintenance furnace tune-ups. Air duct cleaning can be a great opportunity to also have your furnace inspected to avoid potential furnace repair heading into the cold months ahead. Many factors go into your air duct cleaning cost, which can include the size of your home, layout of the ductwork, and also the amount of ductwork in your home.

If you are not sure if your home is in need of ductwork cleaning, there are some things to consider. If your home has pets, small children, anyone with allergies, or residents who smoke, duct cleaning is recommended. You can also contact us and we can advise you on if the ductwork needs to be cleaned.