The filter for the furnace will need to be inspected on a regular basis. This can help to ensure the filter is in the best condition possible. When the filter is clean and clear of any dust build up, it can help the furnace to run more efficiently and effectively when it operates. The heating system should be inspected and maintained on a regular basis. We can inspect the parts and components of the furnace. If anything is starting to wear or become damaged, we can help to have it repaired as soon as possible. If you notice any noises or if the furnace is performing poorly, make sure to contact us as soon as possible.

Noises that the Heating System makes

One of the signs that the furnace may have a clogged filter is if it makes any noises or sounds that are out of the norm. A low rumble or grinding sound could indicate that the furnace is working harder than it should be. The filter could be clogged, which would result in poor air movement through the furnace and heater. It will then have to work longer to allow this air through. It can also cause more wear and tear to other parts of the heating system as well. If there is an odd noise, make sure to contact us. We can inspect the furnace and the filter to make sure it is operating at the correct efficiency needed. If the filter needs to be replaced, we can help to recommend which one would be best for your home.

Poor Heat Output

Having a clogged filter could result in less heat being produced from the vents. If you notice that there is less heat being produced in your home, it could be from one of several reasons. Make sure to contact us so we can look at the filter and ductwork of the heating system. A clogged filter will not be able to let the proper amount of air through. The ductwork could also be clogged with dirt or debris. By having a professional inspect it, you can help to decrease the chance of something more serious happening to the parts of the heating system. It could also mean that the inside of the ductwork will need to be cleaned by a professional. We can also set up an appointment so this is done as well.

Poor Air Quality

If you notice the air quality is lower in your home, it could mean that the filter is clogged and should be replaced. Dirt and dust could get into the furnace and then be distributed throughout your home. This could result in asthma or allergy symptoms over time. To help decrease the chance of poor air, make sure to replace the filter. It is also recommended to never run the heating system without a filter. This could result in damages to parts of the furnace, as well as a costly repair bill.